Hait Family Law – Divorce Lawyer in Haifa

Getting divorced can be a very stressful and complicated process. If you and your spouse are not on good terms, you may need to fight over things like child custody, property division, or spousal support. A contested divorce can be expensive and emotionally draining, so it’s important to choose an experienced lawyer who can handle your case efficiently and effectively. Hait Family Law can help you navigate the legal process and achieve a favorable outcome that benefits both you and your children.

In Israel, divorce cases are handled by both a secular (family court) and religious court system. Divorce proceedings for Jews are conducted in Rabbinic courts, while Muslims and Christians have their own religious courts based on their respective denominations. An Israeli divorce attorney can help you with your case by representing you in both the family and Rabbinic courts, as necessary.

While there are many reasons for the breakdown of a marriage, sometimes it is possible to repair the relationship through counseling or therapy. If this is not possible, Hait Family Law can assist you with obtaining a reconciliation or in lieu of divorce agreement that lays out the conditions under which your marriage will end and details your plan if the marriage does not survive.

Hait Family Law is a full service family law firm with offices in Tel Aviv and Modi’in, as well as meeting spaces throughout thriving Anglo communities in Israel. We are highly regarded by the Israeli legal community for our ability to provide expert legal representation while adapting the process to the unique circumstances of each client’s situation. We can help you with all aspects of your family law matter, including prenuptial agreements, Israeli divorces, international abduction cases involving Israel, and more. עורך דין גירושין בחיפה






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