What Does a Wellness Coach Do?

A wellness coach is someone who helps clients with a wide variety of personal development goals. Whether it’s managing stress, getting better with money, improving sleep habits, creating/maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships or smoking cessation*, wellness coaches help individuals develop strategies to improve their life and reach their goals. Coaches are not counselors or therapists, but rather, people who specialize in helping their clients work through difficult challenges and make lifestyle changes.

Most health and wellness coaches focus on helping their clients develop healthy eating and exercise routines, but they can also coach around other lifestyle factors. Stress management, finding a work-life balance, and boosting mental clarity are some other areas where many wellness coaches excel.

When a client hires a wellness coach, they typically begin by setting a goal. Then, the coach will help them develop a plan and set specific, measurable, actionable goals to achieve that goal. They will work together through the process of goal setting and accountability, and will also support their clients when they encounter obstacles or setbacks.

As a health and wellness coach, you will be expected to meet with your clients face-to-face, either in person or over the phone/video call. The first meeting can range from fifteen minutes to an hour, and will involve a series of conversations designed to get to know your client and identify their goals. You will help them explore their motivations and potential obstacles, and together, you’ll lay out a picture of success, often called a “wellness vision” and a strategy to make it a reality.

The amount of time you spend working with a client as a wellness coach will vary, but the average is two to six months. This is because it takes about 66 days for a new habit to form, and you want your clients to be able to build healthy and sustainable habits that will last long after their coach has helped them get started. In addition to your coaching sessions, you’ll also be expected to support your clients between sessions by providing them with resources and encouragement.

If you’re interested in becoming a wellness coach, it’s important to look for a training program that is accredited by the International Coaching Federation. This ensures that you’ll be qualified to help your clients professionally and safely.

Once you’ve completed your wellness coaching certification, you can start your own business and earn an income working from home or in a wellness center or holistic clinic. You can also find employment as a wellness coach at an employer or in a corporate wellness department. There are also opportunities to work as a part of a wellness team with a physician or other health care professional. With the emergence of technology, it’s easier than ever to be a flexible and location-independent health and wellness coach. The choices are truly endless!






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